Sunday, May 2, 2010

Project Themeory wrapup

This weekend's Themeory themey is Fabulous 50s and wowie wow wow these things I lurved. Firstly. The Strumpet skins. Oh. My. Wow. What a pretty face! I am a sucker for crying skins. Girly hearts all over this shit, man. The super cute hair in these pics is from Ploom and comes in both platinum blond (Swedish) and brown (Chocolate... mmmmmm).



I couldn't get the poufy skirt on the 1950 version of the Grandma's Dress from Acid & Mala to look ok on my shape and the 2010 version of the dress is a little... erm... skimpy. I've worn it as a long top because I'm a total prude. Fantabulous texturing as is the norm with them.

just a girl

My other fave thing from this Themeory weekend is the awesome dress from GATO. I almost didn't get it because I was all "meh..." about the picture in the store. But when I put this sucker on... wow. This is one of those things that I might disregard my 3-hour wardrobe change for. You can also kind of see the necklace from Happy Finds a little better in this picture. I love the simple elegance of it and the perfect curve of the chain.

clever title

Till next time!
XOXO, 'relia

Also featured:
Poses: Glitterati Into the Black
Eyes: Ibanez Eyes - Luminous - Ivy
Lashes: glow studio designs - Innocent eyelashes - Smooth
Hair: lamb - Bitter - Lady
Shoes: hoorenbeek Stilleto
Pants: So Many Styles Tweed 7/8 Pants Brown